What a year. We accomplished goals, learned, and grew; we could not be more grateful. Trials, tribulations, and failures came our way, too, but we never backed down. Our biggest takeaway was learning more about the human side of relationships both professionally and personally. Humans are complicated, complex, and interesting. As you move through life, your eyes are opened to how beautifully challenging it can be to exist, compete, and survive. The human experience in business is incredibly difficult to maneuver, but we believe with the right character, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished.
As a company, our biggest obstacle was accepting the things we cannot change. Though we try our best, it is not always enough, and what we are learning is that is ok. We will take into 2023 a renewed desire to be better in the ways possible, but we have come to terms with being imperfect. Humans, and the companies they exist within, are fallible, whether you are Apple, Amazon, or Tesla, there are moments where you come up short. What separates those who persist is a stick-to-itiveness that is unwavering, and we make that a priority.
Schneider Construction and Development is committed to our ethos and will purse excellence every day. When we come up short, we will reflect and learn. We believe this is what will continue to separate us. To our clients, we would not be here without you. We are indebted and appreciate every opportunity big and small. As we move into 2023, we are eager for what is to come. There are new journeys on the horizon, and we cannot wait to see what the year has in store.
Thank you for the continued support, and cheers to a beautiful and prosperous 2023!